Steps To Take If Your Spouse Refuses To Sign Divorce Papers

Jordan Meggs • Sep 14, 2022

If one spouse refuses to sign divorce papers, what happens next?

Woman signing divorce papers

No matter the reason for a divorce, it’s a stressful process. In most cases, the spouses are unable to agree on how to split everything and, in some instances, may not even agree to go through the divorce. This situation can lead to one spouse refusing to sign the divorce papers. The good news is that the signature isn’t necessarily needed, and it’s possible to get a divorce even if the other spouse is uncooperative throughout the process. The key is to have the right help and know what steps to take next.


A Signature Isn’t Needed for the Divorce

What may be surprising to some people is that a signature on the divorce papers isn’t needed. It’s possible to get a divorce without that signature. The spouse’s approval isn’t needed, either. It’s not required because one spouse can’t force the other to stay married against their will. The spouse won’t need to sign anything or even show up to the court to go through the divorce process or contest it. It is crucial to alert the spouse to the divorce and allow them the opportunity to participate in the process, but if they refuse, there are ways to complete the divorce without their cooperation. The first thing to do is speak with an attorney with experience working on cases like these.


Start Talking to an Attorney

divorce attorney in Cullman will have experience dealing with cases where the other spouse refuses to participate or sign the divorce papers in an attempt to stall or prevent the divorce. The attorney will know precisely what options are available for their client based on the current situation and what will be the better option to try to complete the divorce without the spouse’s cooperation or signature. In most cases, options include going through mediation, letting the divorce go through a trial, serving papers through an alternative method, and requesting a default judgment. For each of these, it’s essential to follow the court’s guidelines and rules carefully to prevent any mistakes that could slow the progress of the divorce. 

Try to Go Through Mediation

The divorce may stall because one spouse isn’t sure it’s the right option or is worried about moving forward. In these cases, mediation may allow the spouses to discuss any potential concerns in a neutral space and devise a plan to complete the divorce. It may be possible to convince the spouse to sign the papers during the mediation, allowing the divorce to proceed normally. 

A mediator will oversee the mediation session, but both spouses can have a lawyer with them, too. During the mediation, anything related to the divorce can be discussed. Along with working to convince the spouse to sign the papers, mediation is an excellent opportunity to discuss how everything will be split and what it will look like once the divorce is finalized. This can help put the spouse’s mind at ease about the divorce, which can help to convince them to sign the paperwork. 

Let the Divorce Go to Trial

Though it’s costly, if mediation doesn’t work, the case can go to trial. During the trial, the judge will review all assets, child custody and support, and spousal support or alimony and then decide on each. If the spouse doesn’t want to sign the paperwork for an agreement on how to split everything, it will be up to the judge, and they may not be happy with the results. However, this will push the divorce forward and have it finalized, even if the spouse doesn’t want the divorce to proceed or doesn’t want to come to any agreement or sign any paperwork. 

Serve Papers Through Alternative Methods

The paperwork must be served to the other spouse when filing for divorce. A process server can find the spouse at their home, work, or another location and serve them with the papers. This helps to prove that the spouse received the paperwork and was informed of the divorce. However, sometimes the spouse will hide or move without providing a forwarding address, which can make it difficult to serve them.

A private detective may be successful in finding the spouse’s new location. Searching online for this information may also be possible, though it may take some time for online sources to be updated. Another option is to serve by publication. Instead of serving the paperwork in person, since the spouse can’t be found, it’s possible to serve them by posting a notice of the divorce in a local newspaper. 

It is crucial to work with a lawyer when doing this, as specific requirements must be met for the service by publication to be valid. In most cases, it must be shown that it was impossible to serve the spouse in person and that their current address is unknown. It may also be required to post the notice for a specific amount of time, and the newspaper chosen must be one that is published near their last known address. 

Request a Default Judgment

If the spouse refuses to sign the paperwork or can’t be found and doesn’t appear in court after service by publication, the final step is to request a default judgment. The judge will finalize the divorce as long as proper procedures have been followed and the spouse has had the opportunity to learn about the divorce. It is possible for the spouse filing for divorce to get a much better outcome in this situation, though it can be far more challenging to receive a default judgment compared to going to trial or other options. 

A messy divorce isn’t something new. There are many situations where one spouse has refused to participate in the process, whether to control the situation or try to avoid getting a divorce. However, the divorce can still proceed, even if the other spouse disagrees. Talk to a lawyer today about your pending divorce to see if any of these options might be the right fit for your situation. 

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Nobody wants to be stopped by the police, even when they have done nothing wrong. If you are in this situation, knowing what to do can help reduce the stress associated with this encounter. Stay calm and never act hostile toward the officers. Know your rights and what to do so the situation doesn’t escalate. Know Your Rights Most people know they have the right to remain silent during an encounter with law enforcement. You may be required to provide your name, depending on state laws where the encounter occurs, but that is it. Firmly state you wish to remain silent and stop speaking. They cannot compel you to do so once you make this statement. Furthermore, if police stop you while driving, the right to remain silent applies to any passengers in the vehicle. Passengers might also ask if they can leave during this traffic stop. If officers say they may, they should do so quietly. The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures. Law enforcement officers cannot search your person, home, or car without your permission unless they have a warrant. Have them produce this warrant so you can review it. However, officers may pat you down to check for weapons. They are permitted to do so for their safety. If the officers ask to search, say that you do not consent. They may conduct this search anyway, depending on the circumstances of the encounter. This verbal statement that you do not consent to the search may become important if authorities file charges against you. When officers enter the home, they may not search without your permission or a search warrant. If they arrest you at home or work, they have the right to search the immediate area or anywhere they can see criminal activity. Pay attention to what they do throughout this search to confirm they conduct it properly and don’t overstep their bounds. Every person has a right to a criminal defense attorney in Cullman, AL . Request a government-appointed attorney if you cannot afford to hire a lawyer. Let the officers know you would like to make a phone call. They cannot listen to any calls between you and an attorney, but they have the right to listen to all other calls you make. The officers can tell you how to request a government-appointed attorney if one is needed. Handling Police Encounters Safely During any encounter with the police, stay calm. Never volunteer information, even if it seems harmless. Use your right to remain silent or only answer direct questions, never offering additional information when doing so. Never argue with officers or bad-mouth them, as doing so could change the whole tone of the interaction. If officers attempt to pull you over while you are driving, continue operating the vehicle until you reach a place where it is safe to stop. Never stop in the middle of the road or impede traffic, as doing so puts you and the officer at risk of harm. When the vehicle is stopped, remain in the car, turn on the interior light, and put your hands where the officer may see them. Ask passengers in the vehicle to show their hands as well. Provide any documents requested by the officer during this traffic stop. They may ask to see your driver’s license, registration, and proof of insurance. Before collecting these documents, let the officer know where they are located. Reaching into a glove box or under the seat may appear to be a threatening move to the officer. Letting them know that is where the documents are and that you aren’t reaching for a weapon can help to reduce tension. Never run from a police officer. Also, do not touch the officers, as any touch could be construed as threatening in a volatile situation. If officers arrest you, go willingly. Don’t resist or become combative. Doing so could make a bad situation worse. Common Misconceptions People often believe they must consent to a search or take a breathalyzer test. They feel they are required to answer questions when asked by law enforcement. A person doesn’t have to say or do anything when stopped by the police. Failing to answer questions or consent to a search may result in a trip to the police station. Let this happen and contact an attorney with your one phone call. While the trip to the station is an inconvenience, it will probably be a short-lived one once your attorney arrives. They will work to get the matter resolved and have you released quickly. Protecting the Rights of Others You may find yourself in a situation where law enforcement is handling a matter involving another individual and you are merely a bystander. Help each other out by observing this interaction and recording it if possible. Try to capture officers’ badges and patrol car numbers with the video to show who was involved beyond what can be seen in the video. Also, ask witnesses to state their names and contact information on the video. They may need to share what they saw with authorities. If the situation is mishandled in any way, contact the internal affairs department of the law enforcement agency, so they may handle the matter. In addition, share the video with the attorneys of all parties involved in the interaction if problems arise. When law enforcement officers know they will be held accountable for their actions, fewer problems typically arise during a stop or other interaction. Law enforcement officers cannot stop bystanders from recording their interactions with individuals. However, the person taking the video must not interfere with police activity in any way. If you wish to record an interaction, do so from a safe distance. Don’t hide the fact you are recording, as police officers know they do not have any expectations of privacy while on the job. However, you may need to ask those interacting with the officers if they wish to be recorded. State laws vary on whether permission is needed so it is always better to ask. A person may come into contact with law enforcement multiple times throughout their life. All parties are responsible for what happens in each interaction. Know your rights and how to handle these interactions safely and legally. Everyone must work together to keep our country safe while ensuring our rights remain protected. This is not a job for one person alone.
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